Sivananda yoga

Bhujangasan – The Cobra

October 26, 2011

Bhujanga in Sanskrit means Cobra. When this pose is exhibited, the raised head and trunk resemble the raised hood of a cobra hence it is called Bhujangasan.

Preparatory exercise

Relaxing on the abdomen, bring one hand on top of the other to make a pillow for the head. Turning the head to one side, rest the cheek on the hands. Bring the toes together and the heels apart. Rest in this position for at least a minute before beginning the Cobra. The same deep abdominal breathing may be practiced in this position as in the Corpse Pose.

Mini Cobra

Baby Cobra

Coming into the position

  1. Bring the feet together. Place the forehead on the floor and the hands flat underneath the respective shoulders, palms downward. The fingertips should be in line with the tops of shoulders and the elbows slightly raised off the ground.
  2. Inhaling, raise first the forehead, bringing the nose to the floor.
  3. Then raise the nose brushing the chin against the ground.
  4. Push the chin forward and slowly roll the body up and back, keeping the abdomen on the ground. Visualize the smooth, graceful motion of the snake as you slowly stretch the spine up and back vertebra by vertebra.
Cobra - Bhujangasan

Cobra - Bhujangasan

Holding the position

Pushing the chest forwards, arch the head and shoulders back. Elbows remain bent. Do not hunch the shoulders; make sure that they are back and down, away from the ears. Beginners may hold the position for 10 seconds, more advanced students can gradually increase the period in the asana up to 1 minute.

Coming out of the Cobra

Inhale deeply and keeping the head back until last, exhale and slowly roll out of the Cobra. When the chin has come to the floor, bring the nose in and then the forehead. Repeat the Cobra 3-6 times.

Benefits of the Cobra

“This always increases the bodily heat, destroys all diseases and by the practice of this posture the Serpent-Goddess (Kundalini) awakens.” – Gerunda Samhita

  • Bhujangasan is a powerful tonic especially for women
  • It gives a backward bend to the spine (posterior curvature)
  • The thoracic region is stretched and the ribcage expanded. The Cobra is therefore effective in combating asthma and other respiratory problems.
  • The deep and superficial muscles of the back are massaged, toned and stretched.
  • The spine receives a powerful backward stretch. Every vertebra is pulled back and given a rich blood supply. The nerves and muscles of the spine are rejuvenated.
  • The spine is kept flexible. Curvature of the spine is relieved, as well as hunchback, back pain, lumbago and myalgia of the back.
  • The abdomen should be kept on the ground, this increases interabdomenal pressure. All abdominal viscera are toned.
  • In women the ovaries and uterus are toned. Powerful tonic which helps to relieve many utero-ovarine troubles, menstrual problems, etc.

Note: Do not practice this asana if you are pregnant.

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