Summer Cleanse

summer cleanse


summer cleanse

The summer whole food reset is an online seasonal clean eating program ideal for those of you who want to get back on track and optimize your health with holistic nutrition and lifestyle tips.

This Summer Cleanse Program was created for anyone who desires to:

  • Lose weight naturally and quickly without deprivation
  • Feel beautiful and ageless with glowing skin and endless energy
  • Shed toxins that are causing your body unwanted weight gain
  • fire up the metabolism to enjoy a life of lightness
  • Cleanse in preparation for a healthy pregnancy

Why did I create this program?

My name is Andrea Conolly-Balazs, and I’m a certified holistic integrative nutrition and women’s health coach. I help ladies getting ready for conception, recover post-natal and release stress. I guide them with holistic nutrition, movement methods and mind work. I created this program because I had to manage my PCOS and change the way I ate, which contributed to me finally falling pregnant after almost 4 years of no success. I’d like to show you how you can feel energized and keep up your health as well.

So often, we eat foods that we think are healthy because the label tricks us, because the magazines say so, because the diet books say so, but they are actually causing us embarrassing gas while on a steamy date, uncomfortable bloating while we try to squeeze into a slim dress and inflammation that can actually be painful. It is quite annoying, isn’t it?

The Summer Cleanse Program is about discovering what works for YOU and YOUR unique body. No more guessing. No more hopping on and off of different diet roller coasters, and no more frustration because nothing seems to work. Say hello to tapping into your unique body blueprint which will give you limitless wisdom on which foods will love your body back.

Why is it essential to detox in the summer?

Our bodies go through shifts during every season. It is important to detox so your body cleans out the old that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts or suppressing your immune system. Seasonal detoxes allow the body to shift gradually into eating foods that are designed to be eaten (in this case) during the summer months.

The summer represents a time of release and letting go. In the summer, we cleanse the heart and the small intestines. Every organ is related to an emotion. The heart helps you to dream, and to make those dreams a reality.

HEART: Your heart pumps 3,000 gallons of blood daily to the lungs, which is then absorbed as oxygen.

SMALL INTESTINE: is vital in the detoxification process. The job of the small intestine is huge because the small intestine digests and absorbs your food. Then it sends those nutrients into your bloodstream, where they are carried to the liver and transformed into energy. If your digestion is sluggish or your intestinal lining is damaged, then you are not absorbing your nutrients, which means you are lacking the ENERGY you need and deserve.

As you rid your body of toxins, you will feel cleaner, lighter, more focused, and your mood will balance as well.

In this 14 Day program, you will not only learn the tools you need to support your metabolism through the changing season, but you will renew your cells and begin glowing from the inside out as you dive into meals that are designed to have you feeling vibrant and alive and not bogged down.

This is a guided 14-Day cleanse, whole food eating program and is based on eating only real food. You will prepare your body for the upcoming months.

A safe and effective detox should support your body naturally to reboot, recharge and unclog your organs.

Did you know: Your body is carrying roughly 2-5 kg of toxicity (a.k.a inflammation) at any given time. Which means that headache, bloated belly, or that extra weight that’s staying on? Yes. Probably toxicity.

Here are some of the results you can expect on the program:

  • Lose an average of 1-3 kg in one week – naturally!
  • Feel lighter and have tons of energy – take the dance floor by storm!
  • Kick sugar cravings to the curb – learn how to enjoy healthy sweets!
  • Sleep peacefully through the night – no more dark circles under those eyes!
  • Decrease inflammation – and feel amazing in the buff!
  • Get ready for bikini season – with confidence that could kill!
  • Learn new habits that LAST
  • Prepare for pregnancy
All of this is possible WITHOUT dieting and deprivation.

So, what’s the magic behind the scenes?

Well, to start off with, we’re working with an elimination diet. But don’t let the word “diet” throw you off! The elimination diet is about removing potential trigger foods so you can see which foods your body reacts to and which don’t cause any reaction at all when you add them back in during the transition phase.

You’ll receive all of these life-changing goodies as part of your program:

What’s included in this Summer Cleanse?

  • Summer Cleanse Guide: This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about detoxing physically, mentally, and emotionally before you begin!
  • Recipe Guide: This guide is packed with over 50+ mouthwatering recipes that will leave your belly full and your taste buds satisfied!
  • Suggested Meals: it takes the guesswork out of what to eat by mapping out a full 14 days’ worth of meals for you.
  • Day-to-Day At a Glance Guide: This day-by-day overview of your program makes it easy to know what you’re doing each day with just a glance!
  • A Shopping List: This list will make your shopping trips super simple, which means an easier, breezier detox for you.
  • Food Diary and Transition Guide: This amazing tool will help you monitor how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally during the program.
  • Daily Email Support: I’ll be popping into your inbox on a daily basis to provide support and accountability to help keep you on track
  • 1 cleansing yoga sequence and a breathing session
  • Bonus handouts

PLUS you get a BONUS 45-Minute Post-Cleanse Strategy Session with me when you sign up now

Your investment in yourself is only USD 87! 


What makes this program different?

First, it’s not a diet, so there’s no one telling you what to eat. Instead, it’s all about listening to your body.

Second, this cleanse is based on the elimination diet, so you’re working with a proven, three-prong approach used by functional medicine doctors and world-class nutrition experts. I’ve just broken it down for you so that doing the elimination diet is easy.

Third, there are no pills, powders, or shakes as part of this program. That means you don’t have to buy any fancy supplements to make it work. You can find everything you need in your local grocery or health food store.

Why cleanse?

“Clearing out toxins and debris in your body that may be stopping you from having vitality.” That’s what we’re up to here. We’re focusing on releasing the toxins in your body through whole foods and simple actions that you easily add to your daily routine to make detoxification a breeze.

I know this program is perfect for you if…

  • You’re ready to ditch the diet and figure out what ACTUALLY works for you
  • You’re ready to say bye to the belly bloat that’s been lingering
  • You want more energy so you can enjoy your life more without feeling tired
  • You want to look and feel younger without the botox and caffeine
  • You want to jumpstart your metabolism and enjoy a night out on the town
  • You want to balance your blood sugar and kick cravings to the curb
  • You’d like to have a baby, but want to do a gentle cleanse before
  • You’re busy and want quick, easy tools & recipes that work without causing overwhelm

Sound like you?

Then join me for this Summer Cleanse adventure. You deserve it!

Here is what to do next…

As soon as you place your order, you can expect an email with a receipt and a link that grants you instant access to the course.

You can access it anytime, anywhere, without having to wait for an arbitrary start date.


"Andrea, I just wanted to thank you for the amazing detox. I found that by eating right and feeling less bloated I actually would comfortably go to sleep most nights. I’ve lost 2.5 kilos and will keep going. Thanks for making me realize how easy detoxing can be!"
fall cleanse
Anisha K.
"I've managed to finish the program and feeling great! Lost 4 kg, which I didn't expect so I'm very happy about it! Good motivation to carry on with healthy eating even after the program."
fall cleanse

Not at all! There are recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there is room for snacks in between. Every meal is delicious and created by a fabulous chef to nourish your body from the inside out. This program is not about starvation or deprivation, and we are not counting calories or dwelling on carbs. You will feel satisfied with every bite. If you do get hungry, there are extra snack recipes included!

No way! While there are some juices and smoothies for you to choose from, you will also be eating salads, soups, and even desserts that are delicious, nutritious, and will eliminate toxins in your body in a safe and natural way.

You will have the option for plant or animal-based proteins, which will be listed out for you in your recipes and suggested meals. There are so many “clean eating protein sources” to choose from you won’t get bored with your options!

Not in this program!! The only supplement I recommend that everyone take on a daily basis is a probi otic, and you’ll learn why in this program.

Please workout during the program! If you feel tired or have low energy, exercising restores both strength and energy. During this program, you will be eating protein and drinking plenty of liquids, so if you’re already exercising, there’s no reason to stop! It is important to remember that whenever you change the foods you eat your body changes as well. Please consult with your doctor if you have any specific concerns about your health.

You are going to feel so strong and energized it will amaze you! In the beginning, your body may go through a “healing phase” to re-balance and let go of toxicity. It is important to listen to your body through this program, and I will be here to support you with that. I will guide you step by step through exactly what can be done to reduce any unwanted symptoms that may appear. This program is completely flexible for figuring out what works for YOU!

Some people go through this program and feel nothing but energized, while others may feel tired or light-headed as their bodies eliminate and let go of unnecessary toxins. The experience will differ from one person to the next, but this program is designed with that in mind, and you’ll have access to all the tools you need to keep any unwanted symptoms at bay.

Many people who eat very “clean” already still have room to empty out the pipes with an elimination diet and take their healthy habits to the next level. Changing up the foods we eat gives our digestion time to rest and reset, which can be helpful for anyone regardless of their current eating habits.

If you are nursing, I suggest that you add at least 4-6 ounces of protein at lunch and dinner, boost your morning smoothie with a scoop of hemp or pea protein, and eat snacks in between meals. Make sure you are consuming extra fat and drinking enough liquids. This program does not include any detox-provoking agents, but again, please consult with your doctor prior to starting this program if you have any health concerns.

While this program is based on eating only whole foods, it is still advised that you consult your physician before beginning this or any program.